For Fitness & Conditioning Instruction, we have specialised fitness instructors for one-to-one or small group instruction for these programs:


Sports enhancement programs
Enhance your sports performance through various types of stimulated exercises. Recommended for avid sportsmen and athletes.

Strength & Conditioning coaching
Involves musculoskeletal strengthening, agility and power trainings, using knowledge in Sports Biomechanics to address posture and injuries prevention. Recommended for all healthy individual, athletes and young men preparing for National Service enrolment.


Injury rehabilitation programs
With your medical clearance to perform exercise rehabilitation, carefully designed personal training programs to assist your recovery and progression to return to sports. Recommended for individual with recovering injuries, post surgery, slight back problem, or tightness in joints.


Health benefit training
Exercises designed for individual to improve general health such as stamina, efficiency, and agility in handling daily functional routines. Recommended for senior citizens, homemakers, over-weight individuals, poor health individuals that require medical clearance.


“Fair lady” training
Exercises designed particular for ladies, targeting lady’s problematic areas such as dangling arms, muffin-edge waist, sluggish butt, and flabby thighs.


Buddy training system
Twin sharing of each personal training session, for those who prefer to compete with the buddy for extra motivation, engage in a less intimating ambience with a friend, or for cost-saving purposes! It is advisable that both individuals are having quite similar fitness level, in order to maximize the training during the session.


Executive express training

Due to the busy work and family schedule, busy executive can opt for this 20:80 online-programmed training. It offers 20% meet up personal training session with your trainer, providing guidance and monitor techniques for progress and 80% training advices through emails exchange (with written exercise programs to be performed at your own time). Recommended for self-motivated individual with frequent overseas trips or unstable time schedules.

School/Corporate Wellness program
Offer talks/workshops such as Circuit Training, Flexibility and Strength training, Fitness Aerobic courses, Outdoor Walk and Jog, etc. for Schools and Corporate Companies. The purpose is to promote healthy lifestyle and proper exercise techniques to a wider range of population.



For more information, email us at or whatsapp us at 85769948 !